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Winton Dog Bite Lawyer


It is essential to understand your legal rights if you’ve been injured by a dog bite. Dog bites and canine-related injuries resulting from being pushed down can be claimed by those injured in California. When you are bitten by a dog, or if someone you care about has been harmed, you need a Winton dog bite lawyer with experience and knowledge. As a result of the trauma you’ve faced, the injury lawyers at AutoAccident.com want to help you receive the compensation you deserve.

Does California Law Protect Me if I’m Injured by a Dog?

California is a strict liability state, contrary to other states that require an animal to have acted aggressively in the past to be entitled to compensation for bite injuries. Article 2, Section 3342 of California’s Civil Code states that the dog owner is responsible for the injuries caused by their pet unless the injured person was trespassing or taunting the animal. The owner is typically responsible when a dog attacks or injures someone, regardless of whether they took steps to prevent it. Police and military dogs that are at work are typically exempt.

Are Dog Bite Injury Claims Common?

The effects of dog bites aren’t just limited to physical trauma and psychological well-being. Dog bites have financial implications as well. Each year, there are more dog bite claims. In 2019, dog bite injuries were the subject of 17,800 liability claims across the country, according to the Insurance Information Institute.

Several factors accounted for the increase in insurance payouts over the past few years. Medical bills have substantially increased, resulting in higher settlements, court costs, and jury awards.

How Many Dog Bite Claims Were Filed in California?

Dog bite claims in California numbered 2,396 in 2019, making it the state with the most insurance claims. Even with fewer insurance claims, $854 million was awarded to injured parties nationwide. In California, the average payout for a dog-related claim was $51,264, according to the California State Insurance Department.

Can I Collect Compensation for Other Injuries Caused by a Dog?

Some people have been injured by dogs that knocked them down, especially if the individual is fragile. Many of these incidents involved dogs that were left unattended and roamed freely. These circumstances make dog owners responsible for injury accidents. An experienced Winton dog bite attorney can help resolve your case successfully while you focus on your recovery.

What Should I Do in the Event of a Dog Attack and Injury?

Injuries by canines are caused by more than just dog bites. Some dogs can cause injuries if they jump on people, especially if the canine is large and aggressive. Those who are older or very young are more likely to suffer from severe trauma, such as broken bones and traumatic brain injuries. It is imperative that you carefully document your compensation claim. The following actions should be taken if you have been injured or someone you love has suffered an injury caused by a dog:

  • See your doctor or go to the emergency room. Even a minor dog bite wound should be treated by a doctor if you have broken skin. A dog’s bite can lead to the transmission of terrifying and dangerous diseases such as rabies and tetanus. You should follow the instructions given by your medical professional, including any follow-up appointments.
  • Exchange contact information with the dog owner. Ensure that the dog’s vaccinations are up-to-date by looking at the record or getting confirmation from the animal’s veterinarian. If you don’t know who owns the dog, call animal control.
  • Obtain contact information from anyone who saw the attack.
  • Keep photos of any injuries you have. Take photos of the wounds caused by the dog bite while still fresh, and record what happened.
  • Even if it isn’t a severe bite, you should notify the police or your local animal control. By informing them, you’ll have a stronger case.
  • A Winton dog bite attorney might be able to assist you in your case. They can negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf and communicate with the animal’s owner. You can strengthen your case by having the lawyer collect evidence to support your claim to receive the compensation you are entitled to.
What if There Are Reasons I Hesitate to File a Dog Bite Claim?

After suffering a dog bite injury, some people may hesitate to seek compensation, especially if they don’t think the injury is serious. Expenses for medical care, wages lost, and emotional trauma can follow the attack. Dog owners who fail to take responsibility can result in their pet attacking someone else, which might cause far more severe injuries. In addition, there may be significant financial losses if the injured party is not compensated. People may opt against filing a claim for these reasons:

  • The bite did not result in any serious injury. However, when bites are infected with bacteria or the animal transmits a disease, that injury can quickly become serious.
  • Homeowner’s insurance often covers dog bite injuries, which the injured person may not realize.
  • Someone you love, a neighbor, or a friend owns this animal. That doesn’t let them off the hook. Besides, homeowner’s or renter’s insurance provides coverage for dog bites. Some breeds may be excluded from coverage.
What Compensation Can I Recover for a Dog Bite Injury?

Any injured person may claim the following compensation if they have been attacked by a dog:

  • Current and future costs of medical care, especially if the trauma was extensive
  • Inability to work can lead to lost earnings, including for self-employed individuals
  • Emotional and psychological damage, such as depression, anxiety, and fear
How Is a Dog Bite Accident Investigated?

A dog bite or attack can be excruciating and frightening. A person should not face such a difficult situation and be financially responsible. The evidence our investigators gather will be decisive in determining the outcome of your case. Investigating a dog attack involves collecting the following types of evidence:

  • Witnesses are interviewed at the accident scene as part of the investigation.
  • Postal workers, UPS drivers, and neighbors are interviewed to see if the animal has shown signs of aggression.
  • Records are checked to see if complaints have been lodged against the animal.
  • Investigators examine its veterinary records to determine if a dog is vaccinated correctly and whether any problems have been reported.
How Are Most Dog Bite Cases Settled?

Most financial settlements are negotiated with the insurance company. However, it may be necessary to take the case to civil court if severe trauma, including scarring and disfigurement, occurs and necessary care is required in the future to treat the injuries. We always prepare a legal case for court if the insurance company does not agree to a fair settlement amount.

Following is a video featuring attorney Ed Smith describing how to find the right lawyer to handle your case:

Dog Bite Lawyers in Winton, CA

If you or a loved one has been bitten or attacked by an animal, our free and friendly advice is just a phone call away at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400. You can also connect with us online. Our injury lawyers would be pleased to answer your questions, review your case, and discuss your options. Check out our Settlements and Verdicts page to discover how we’ve helped others obtain the compensation they deserve.

Editor’s Note: updated 11.27.23 Photo attribution: S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay cd [1249]