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Waterford Brain Injury Lawyer


A traumatic brain injury is one of the most concerning and potentially devastating trauma types. Most brain injuries occur because of an accident where the individual’s head is bumped, jolted, or struck by an object. Sometimes, no skull penetration occurs, but the injury can still have serious consequences. In the following, we discuss the causes and types of TBIs, their symptoms, and the recovery of compensation.

If you or a loved one has suffered severe head injuries in a preventable accident in Waterford, call our experienced legal team at (209) 227-1931 to schedule a free consultation.

Waterford Brain Injuries: Recovering Compensation

Since 1982, the injury lawyers at AutoAccident.com have been helping people recover compensation for brain injuries caused by traffic accidents or other negligent acts. The compensation we seek can be used to provide care for a loved one and cover future medical treatment and other expenses. To have someone by your side who can relieve you of the financial burden of the future is comforting during this stressful and frightening time.

What are the Common Causes of TBI?

Some of the more common causes of a TBI that don’t involve penetration of the skull are as follows:

  • Falls are the primary cause of traumatic brain injury, especially in older adults, and include slip and fall accidents.
  • Traffic accidents are the next most common cause of a TBI, which include vehicle and truck drivers, motorcyclists, bicycle riders, and pedestrians.
  • Sports represent a high number of TBIs, especially football.
  • Assault is another cause of brain injuries, either through blunt-force trauma or gunshot wounds.
Penetrating Injuries

A penetrating injury that leads to a TBI may be due to the following:

  • Traffic accidents or falls
  • Gunfire or shrapnel
  • Being struck by an object
  • Skull fracture allows a fragment of bone to enter the brain
Different Types of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can range from mild, where the patient recovers in a few months with no ill effects, to severe, which can cause permanent cognitive changes. Medical treatment depends on the complexity of brain trauma and the complications that arise. They include:

  • Concussion: A concussion can be acquired without even being struck on the head. Any time the head moves forward or backward rapidly, it can result in a concussion. Concussion symptoms usually disappear after three months, but some can last up to a year.
  • Hematoma: A hematoma results from pressure on the brain due to blood collected inside the skull. Accidents involving automobiles are common causes of hematomas, and life-threatening injuries require immediate surgical intervention.
  • Hemorrhage: Intracranial hemorrhage is a hazardous medical condition when the area between the skull and brain tissue or the brain bleeds. Permanent damage can result from this type of condition since bleeding prevents oxygen from reaching the brain.
  • Diffuse axonal injury: Disturbances of the nerve fibers in the brain are called diffuse axonal injuries. These are the most severe types of brain injuries, and Coma and death are expected outcomes.
  • Skull fracture: There are four types of skull fracture. A break in the bone, but no displacement, is called a primary fracture. The second type of fracture occurs when the broken skull bone has sunken in, and surgery may be required to repair it. The third type of the fracture causes a tear in the brain’s covering near the skull’s bottom. An emergency operation is needed in this case. The fourth type of fracture damages the brain by puncturing it. This type of injury often results in hemorrhage and requires immediate surgical intervention.
What Are the Symptoms of a TBI?

Symptoms of a brain injury depend on its severity. However, symptoms may also be delayed as pressure or bleeding increases inside the skull. This is why any time a person suffers a head injury or is involved in an accident, he or she should consult a medical professional. Symptoms of a mild TBI, such as a concussion, can include:

  • There may or may not be a short loss of consciousness
  • Confusion
  • Headache
  • Lightheadedness and dizziness
  • Problems with eyes and ringing in the ears
  • Fatigue
  • Mood or behavioral changes
  • Problems with paying attention, thinking, concentrating, and memory
Recovery of Damages in a Brain Injury Claim

An injury to the brain can mean long-term hospitalization, high medical expenses, and care into the future. The following compensation can be sought:

  • Any medical costs associated with the accident are recoverable, including ambulance fees, hospitalization, doctors’ bills, tests, surgeries, and more. In addition, if the injury is expected to continue, your Waterford brain injury attorney will factor those costs into the settlement.
  • Wages lost because the injured party was unable to work are recoverable, including any tips, bonuses, insurance, pension, and the value of other perks of their job. If the person who suffered the TBI returns to work later but has to take a lesser-paying position, the wage difference is figured into the settlement. Should the injured person be permanently disabled by the injury, the wages and other perks are calculated into the settlement until the average retirement age.
  • Pain and suffering are non-economic damages that may be recovered following an accident. They include the physical trauma and psychological and emotional problems that can accompany an accident. For example, the injured party may suffer from anxiety, depression, and other symptoms that prevent them from enjoying their lives. In addition, at its extreme, post-traumatic stress disorder may develop in some individuals that require professional treatment. The cost of this treatment may also be recoverable.
Investigation of a Brain Injury Accident

Our investigators visit the accident site. Their job is to look for evidence that supports an injured client’s claim for compensation. The investigation depends mainly on the type of accident. However, these areas of focus are consistently examined:

  • Getting surveillance video and nearby business camera footage is one of our investigators’ methods. In many cases, the accident was captured on tape, which provides substantial proof of how it occurred and who was at fault.
  • The police report is reviewed for accuracy.
  • Interviews are conducted with witnesses.
  • During the accident investigation, our investigators search for road defects that may have contributed to the accident. In those cases, the government agency charged with maintenance may be partially liable for the injuries.

Our traumatic brain injury attorneys in Waterford, California, use the evidence gathered by the investigative team to build a solid case for our client once it has been collected.

In the video that follows, attorney Ed Smith talks about how to choose an injury lawyer to handle your case:

Working with a Brain Injury Attorney in Waterford, CA 

Brain injuries often require extended care and an astronomical cost in medical expenses. If you or a loved one suffered a TBI because of a negligent driver or other entity, find out if you can place a claim to recover compensation. Contact our Waterford brain injury attorneys for free and friendly advice at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400. We can review your claim, explain options to recover compensation, and answer your questions. You can also contact us online.

Please see the links below to find out how we have helped others obtain compensation after an accident injury on Avvo, Google, Settlements and Verdicts, and Yelp.

Editor’s Note: updated 6.9.23 Photo attribution: by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay cd llo [1233]