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Waterford Bicycle Accident Lawyer


Known as the “Gateway to Recreation,” Waterford provides residents and visitors many outdoor opportunities. The city is surrounded by numerous nature trails for outdoor enthusiasts, especially bicyclists. When considering the number of recreational bicyclists riding through Waterford and the increasing number of commuting riders, the City of Waterford has provided some information regarding bicycle safety and regulations.

The risk of an accident can occur whenever a cyclist is riding near heavy vehicle traffic. Collisions between bike riders and motor vehicles can cause devastating injuries to bicyclists. If you or a family member suffered severe injuries in a bicycle accident, call our experienced Waterford bicycle accident lawyers at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400. We provide free, friendly advice.

Tuolumne River Bike Trail

The best way to prevent getting hit by a vehicle while biking in Waterford is to ride in areas with low or no vehicle traffic. An excellent spot for a relaxed bicycle excursion amid wooded surroundings is the Tuolumne River Bike Trail. This picturesque biking route meanders along the banks of the Tuolumne River, offering a captivating perspective of the region’s natural beauty.

The Rights of Bicyclists 

It is not always possible for cyclists to avoid riding in high-traffic areas, especially if they are bicycle commuters. California’s laws lay out regulations for bicyclists when riding on the streets. Cyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as vehicle motorists. However, drivers have an extra duty of care to look for bicyclists.

Three Feet for Safety Act

According to California Civil Code § 21760, motorists must maintain a distance of at least three feet between their car and bicyclists when trying to pass. This is called the “Three Feet for Safety Act.” If the driver can’t keep at least three feet away, they must slow down to a reasonable speed and pass only when it is safe. If the driver violates this rule and an accident occurs, the motorist can be held liable for any injuries and damages caused to the bicyclist.

Watch the YouTube video. The following video discusses the Three Feet for Safety Act for cyclists and motorists.

What to Do Following a Vehicle Versus Bicycle Collision

Knowing what to do immediately after a bicycle accident can improve how well you maintain control and preserve critical information. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you must take the following steps to protect your rights.

  • Get the driver’s contact information, including name, driver’s license, and the insurance company.
  • Take pictures of your injuries, property damage, and vehicle, including the license plate.
  • Photograph the accident scene, including traffic signals, street signs, and bike lanes.
  • Get names and contact information from any witnesses.
  • See a doctor immediately for medical care.
  • Contact an experienced injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.
Common Injuries in Bicycle vs. Auto Collisions

Bicyclists face significant risks and vulnerabilities when involved in collisions with cars, often resulting in severe injuries. The following are some common types of injuries frequently observed after a bicycle accident:

Types of Damages in a Bicycle Injury Claim

If a negligent driver hits a bicyclist and causes injuries, the cyclist can pursue financial compensation for damages from the at-fault motorist. Potential economic and non-economic damages could include lost income, medical bills, physical therapy, and pain and suffering. Other categories of possible personal injury damages may be recoverable as well. Ensuring that your claim accounts for all injuries is one reason to consult with an experienced Waterford bicycle accident attorney.

Time Limit to File a Personal Injury Case for a Cycling Crash

The statute of limitations in California is two years from the accident date. That means you must settle your case or file a lawsuit before the second anniversary of the incident. If the accident was due to a government or public agency, you only have six months to act, and failure to file a claim within the time frame can destroy your case entirely. For more information about filing deadlines, contact an experienced lawyer.

Contact a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Waterford, CA

Reaching out to a Waterford personal injury attorney after a devastating bicycle accident is essential to ensure your legal rights are protected and the value of your injury claim is maximized. If you or a family member has suffered catastrophic injuries in a bicycle crash caused by a negligent driver, call our experienced Waterford bicycle accident lawyers at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice or send your inquiry to us by way of our online form.

Editor’s Note: updated 11.27.23 Photo by Chris Kendall on Unsplash cha [cs 788]