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Vallejo Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer


A spinal cord injury (SCI) is one of the most traumatic and life-changing injuries an individual may sustain. Whether an SCI was suffered due to a slip and fall, car accident, or another type of catastrophic incident, such trauma may render a person incapable of carrying out daily activities. It may also cause financial hardship for the SCI patient and their family through mounting medical expenses and loss of earnings. When an injury to the spinal cord was sustained in a traumatic accident because of someone else’s negligence, the SCI patient may have legal options to recover compensatory damages under California personal injury law.

To determine if your spinal cord injury qualifies you for compensation, contact an attorney in Vallejo with extensive experience litigating SCI cases. Our legal team has handled cases like yours since 1982. Contact us today for free, friendly advice at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400.

Our law firm understands the far-reaching emotional, financial, and physical consequences that an SCI can have on the lives of those impacted. By holding negligent parties financially accountable for the injury, our lawyers will work diligently to obtain the financial compensation you need and deserve to move forward with your life. To learn how our team of skilled spinal cord injury lawyers in Vallejo can support you and your family through this difficult time, contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

What is a Spinal Cord Injury?

An SCI is considered any damage to the spinal cord that results in the loss of sensation and motor function. The loss of control may be either partial or full. Since the spinal cord plays a critical role in the human body, SCI patients may experience a lifetime of health complications that may include sexual dysfunction, difficulty breathing, paralysis of one or more limbs, loss of mobility in the lower or upper half of the body, bowel and bladder problems, and infertility. To learn more about spinal cord damage, watch the brief overview below.

What are the Top Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries in the United States?

There are multiple ways in which the spinal cord can be damaged. According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC), some of the most common causes of trauma to the spinal cord include:

  • Motor Vehicle Collisions
  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • Sport-Related Injuries

If your injury was due to someone else’s negligence, you must understand your rights and the legal options you may have for receiving a fair settlement from the insurance company.

Types of Spinal Cord Injury Cases Our Law Firm Handles

Our Vallejo spinal cord injury attorneys can get to work immediately on your SCI case, work with a team of experts, and identify all potential at-fault parties. Our lawyers will also work with medical professionals who can provide expert witness testimony associated with the long-term challenges of spinal cord trauma. The severity of the SCI will depend upon the location of the trauma.

Our attorneys handle cases involving bulging discs, herniated discs, quadriplegia, paraplegia, and more. We will seek the full and fair compensation you need to adjust to your new life and needs. If a spinal cord has impacted your life, contact our legal team to schedule a free consultation to discuss your SCI case.

What Types of Damages are Available in a Spinal Cord Injury Lawsuit?

When an SCI is sustained directly due to someone else’s negligence, a spinal cord injury patient may be entitled to compensatory damages through a personal injury claim filed against the at-fault party or entity. The types of financial compensation that may be claimed through a spinal cord injury case include economic and non-economic damages designed to cover all past, present, and future losses you and your family suffered as a direct result of the SCI.

Economic damages in an SCI claim represent financial losses. They may include past and future lost wages, medical bills, loss of future earning potential, cost of medical appliances, and in-home care expenses. Non-economic damages represent intangible losses and generally include lost quality of life, loss of consortium, mental anguish, emotional trauma, and pain and suffering. The monetary compensation awarded in a spinal cord injury lawsuit will depend upon the severity of the trauma and how it has impacted the SCI patient and their family.

What is the Statute of Limitations for a Spinal Cord Injury Case in California?

SCI patients in California have two years to take legal action through a personal injury claim. If a spinal cord injury lawsuit is not filed within the two-year statute of limitations or the insurance company does not accept a settlement, the right to hold the at-fault party financially accountable for resulting damages may be lost. In the immediate aftermath of an SCI, mounting medical expenses and lost earnings often cause financial hardship for spinal cord trauma patients. For this reason, contacting a skilled Vallejo spinal cord injury attorney for legal assistance is essential. An attorney with years of experience handling cases like yours will investigate the cause of the catastrophic accident, identify all potentially negligent parties, ensure all filing deadlines are met, and help you understand how much you may be entitled to in an SCI claim for compensation.

Should I Hire an Attorney to Handle My Spinal Cord Injury Case?

When someone else’s negligence causes you to deal with the challenges and complications of an SCI, you should not have to go through this experience alone. Take advantage of the resources and support groups available as you recover from your spinal cord injury. Be sure to contact an experienced attorney to discuss your potential legal options for recovery. A lawyer will understand the frustration of dealing with an insurance company or other party that disputes liability or refuses to accept financial responsibility for the injury incident.

With the assistance of an experienced spinal cord injury attorney in Vallejo, you can rest assured knowing your SCI case is in good hands. It will be given the attention it deserves. Dealing with the legal complexities of a spinal cord injury case can be overwhelming on your own. Finding the best attorney to obtain the compensation you deserve for your SCI lawsuit will provide you more time to focus on rehabilitation and learning how to adjust to a new life with spinal cord trauma.

If you decide to handle your SCI claim without the legal guidance of an experienced attorney, you may run the risk of being taken advantage of by the insurance company representing the at-fault party or even your own. You may be offered a lump sum SCI settlement to quickly resolve your spinal cord damage case. While accepting a quick settlement from the insurer may be tempting, it must account for your past, present, and future financial needs. A Vallejo spinal cord injury attorney can help you understand the value of your SCI claim and work diligently until fair compensation is recovered. You can take heart to know that our SCI attorneys are ready to work for you by protecting your best interests. To learn more, contact our legal team to schedule a free case evaluation today.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.22.23] Photo Credit: By “Jesper Aggergaard” via Unsplash ds [cs 1219] cha