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Turlock Dog Bite Lawyer


For many people, their dog is a critical friend and companion, and many even consider their dog part of their family. In fact, data from the American Veterinary Medical Association shows that anywhere from 36 to 40 percent of American households own a dog as a pet. Not only are dogs “man’s best friend,” but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that being a dog owner may come with several essential health benefits. Dog owners often have lower blood pressure, reduced levels of stress, and more opportunities to socialize and exercise.

While most dogs never attack a human, the truth is that dog bites injure millions of people every year. CDC statistics suggest that around 4.5 million people are injured during dog attacks annually. Often, these attacks only cause minor injuries, but in some cases, the trauma can be severe and lead to chronic symptoms, dangerous medical complications, and secondary injuries. In the worst cases, dog attacks can even result in fatal injuries.

Dog Bite Data
  • U.S. hospitals record around 1,000 dog-bite-related emergency room visits every day.
  • Around 75 percent of injuries suffered in dog attacks affect the legs and/or arms.
  • Most people bitten by dogs are familiar with the dog that bit them.
  • Almost 33 percent of severe dog bites happen near the injured person’s home.
  • U.S. insurance companies pay more than one billion USD yearly for dog bite claims.
  • Around one-quarter of dog bite fatalities involve a dog restrained by a chain.
  • Almost 92 percent of dog bite fatalities involve male dogs.
Who is at Risk?

Everybody can potentially be bitten by a dog, but children are more vulnerable. CDC data shows that over 80 percent of people sent to the emergency room for dog bite injuries are under 15 years old. Additionally, the CDC estimates that about half of children younger than 12 have been bitten by a dog, though many are not seriously injured.

Children are more often seriously injured by dog bites for a few different reasons. One reason is that children are less familiar with dog behavior than adults and can’t tell when dogs want to be left alone. Because of this, children simply trying to play with a dog are often left with severe bites. Another reason that children are more vulnerable to dog bites is that they are smaller and pose less of a threat to dogs, which can raise the chances that a dog that feels threatened will attack.

Dangerous Dog Breeds

Often, dogs from the dangerous dog breed list are some of the sweetest pets you could meet, and it can be hard to imagine that such a friendly dog would ever bite a human. However, over three decades of handling California dog bite injury cases, I’ve seen many friendly dogs from the dangerous breed list becoming aggressive with hardly any warning. While you should always practice caution and look for warning signs with any dog, knowing which breeds are more dangerous than others is also helpful.

Dangerous breeds include the following:

  • German Shepherd
  • Lhasa Apso
  • Chihuahua
  • Australian Shepherd
  • Bulldog
  • Rottweiler
  • Pit Bull
  • Bull Terrier
  • Boxer
  • Pekingese
  • Jack Russell Terrier
Avoiding Dog Bites

Watch YouTube Video: To reduce your chances of being bitten by a dog, you can use the helpful safety tips included in this video:

What Can I Do?

Many people who’ve suffered dog bite injuries are left with steep medical bills and have lost income due to time off work. In many cases, injured parties might be unable to continue working. However, California law holds dog owners liable for damages their pets cause, and most people bitten by dogs can seek payments for the losses they have suffered. California’s strict liability laws mean that people injured by dogs do not need to establish that the owner was negligent in claiming recompense, unlike most personal injury cases.

Calling a Lawyer

The best step you can take is to consult a lawyer with experience handling dog bite injury cases in California to determine what legal options you can take. Calling an attorney early on can be vital, as a lawyer will hire investigators and prepare for your case. Additionally, knowing that the legal aspects of your case are handled by a professional means that you can focus on healing physically and emotionally from your injuries.

However, choosing a lawyer isn’t always easy. In addition to finding a lawyer with relevant experience, you should ensure you are comfortable with your legal representation. You can keep reading the information here on our website to learn more about my firm and see if we are a good fit for you. If you’d like to discuss your case’s details with me, you can call me for free at (209) 227-1931.

What Losses Can I Be Compensated For?

Dog bite injuries can be very severe. Many dog breeds have muscular chest and jaw muscles and teeth that can naturally tear flesh. These characteristics can cause many injuries, including bone fractures, nerve damage, spinal cord injuries, and facial lacerations.

Injured parties usually claim payments for various losses because dog bite injuries can have serious consequences. The damages that those injured by dog bites can recover from include:

  • Emotional distress
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of income potential
  • Physical therapy costs
  • Medical bills related to the bite
  • Pain and suffering damages
Turlock Dog Bite Lawyer

If you or someone you love has been attacked by a dog, contact our skilled Turlock dog bite lawyers for free, friendly advice at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400.

We operate on a contingency basis. This means that you do not need to pay us unless we can help you claim the repayments you need for the damages you have suffered.

See a list of our past cases on our verdicts and settlements page.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 7.12.23] Image by susanne906 from Pixabay ms cha [cs 991]