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Ripon Pedestrian Accident Lawyer


Ripon is a charming town in San Joaquin County, surrounded by natural beauty. As the most southeasterly city in the Central Valley, its climate attracts many visitors. It’s common to see people out and about for a leisure walk. However, pedestrian accidents can happen in a small town as they do anywhere else in Northern California.

If you were involved in a pedestrian accident in Ripon and suffered severe injuries, you might be able to file a compensation claim to cover your financial losses and damages. Contact our experienced injury attorneys at (209) 227-1931 to discuss your legal options. Our Ripon pedestrian accident lawyers offer free, friendly, and compassionate advice.

Filing an Injury Claim After a Ripon Pedestrian Accident

Since 1982, our legal team at AutoAccident.com has helped Ripon residents get fair compensation following a pedestrian accident. We strive to provide professional and compassionate support because we understand a serious accident affects the injured person and their entire family.

We work hard to recover compensation for our clients to concentrate on recovering without stressing about the financial burden caused by someone else’s negligent actions.

Types of Negligence That Can Cause a Pedestrian Accident

Many pedestrians are injured or killed each year due to motorist negligence. The National Safety Council reported that 7,668 pedestrian fatalities occurred in the United States in 2019. Some common reasons why pedestrian accidents happen include:

  • Distracted driving: Texting, eating, changing a radio station, or checking GPS can lead to a pedestrian accident.
  • Drunk or Impaired drivers: Motorists who are impaired or intoxicated have reduced reflexes, issues staying in their own lane, and often speed up and slow down.
  • Fatigued driving: When a motorist is too tired to drive, their reaction behind the wheel is similar to that of a drunk driver. Reflexes, judgment, and vision are affected, which can easily result in a pedestrian accident.
  • Government negligence: If a roadway, intersection, or other area is not adequately maintained, it can lead to an accident involving a pedestrian. If an accident occurs due to potholes, overgrown shrubs, or poor lighting, the injured party can hold the government entity liable for injuries.
  • Improper backing: A driver who backs out of a driveway or parking lot without looking for a pedestrian can cause a severe accident.
  • Running a red light: A driver who runs a red light or a stop sign can injure a pedestrian in the crosswalk or one who has stepped off the curb.
  • Speeding: The faster a motorist drives, the more likely it will die if they strike a pedestrian.
10 Ways to Stay Safe on the Road As a Pedestrian

Pedestrians can stay safe and lower the risk of getting hurt in an accident. Ten steps pedestrians can take to increase safety include:

  1. Avoid jaywalking and obey all traffic laws.
  2. Always use crosswalks whenever crossing the street.
  3. At crosswalks, don’t assume a motorist will stop. Speeders and red-light runners often cause pedestrian accidents.
  4. Make eye contact with motorists when crossing busy streets.
  5. Look to your left, right, and left again before crossing a road, even when signals and lights are present.
  6. Try not to walk in the street. If sidewalks are not available, walk facing oncoming traffic.
  7. Watch for oncoming traffic when crossing the street. Don’t assume a driver will see you.
  8. Be careful walking past alleys, driveways, entrances, and exits. If the driver can’t see you, it can result in a severe accident.
  9. Make yourself more visible after dark by wearing bright colors. A flashlight and reflective strips on clothing can increase your visibility at night.
  10. Don’t go out walking if you have been drinking. Inebriated pedestrians can be just as careless as drivers.
The following YouTube video highlights the importance of pedestrian safety.

Contact a Ripon Pedestrian Accident Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one has been severely injured in a pedestrian accident in Ripon or anywhere else in San Joaquin County, call our experienced personal injury lawyers in Ripon at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400 for our free and friendly advice. Go to our Verdicts and Settlements page to browse a list of our past case results.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 9.1.23] Photo by Guillaume Meurice from Pexels cha llo [cs 709]