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Rio Vista Bicycle Accident Lawyer


Rio Vista, California, is positioned in the heart of the California Delta along the Sacramento River. The community is rapidly growing and includes various residential and business communities. Rio Vista is surrounded by more than 1,000 miles of waterways, making it an ideal location for water-based recreational activities.

One important thing that the community currently lacks is a well-supported bicycle network. According to the Solano County Active Transportation Plan, the city currently has less than one mile of Class II bicycle lanes, which proposes adding 21 new miles to Rio Vista’s nearly non-existent bikeway network.

Bicycling near vehicle traffic without protected bike lanes presents significant safety risks. Bicycle accidents involving motor vehicles are on the rise and the injuries that such collisions cause the cyclist are often devastating. Because biking accidents can cause significant and long-lasting damages, the injured cyclist would be well served to consult with an experienced Rio Vista bicycle accident lawyer following an accident. California law allows anyone injured by someone else’s negligence to seek compensation for their damages.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a Rio Vista bicycle accident, please reach out without delay to our team of skilled injury lawyers at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400. We can schedule a no-obligation consultation at your convenience or offer compassionate, free, and friendly advice.

The Most Common Cause of Bicycle Accidents

Bicycle accidents frequently happen in Rio Vista and other Northern California regions. Nearly all bicycle crashes involving motor vehicles can be attributed, at least in part, to negligent drivers. Examples of negligent driving behaviors that can cause a bike accident include:

  • Failing to yield
  • Improper turning maneuvers
  • Swerving or drifting into a bicycle lane
  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Not keeping a proper lookout for bicyclists
  • Distracted driving

Other factors could lead to the increased risk of a bicycle accident, including a lack of infrastructure for bicycle commuters. As noted above, the lack of designated bicycle lanes in Rio Vista may put cyclists at risk.

Sometimes, a bicyclist may be the cause of an accident. Riding in the opposite direction of traffic is illegal. It is also hazardous and can lead to terrible accidents. When the bicyclist was traveling in the wrong direction, it is often determined that the motorist was not liable and, therefore, not financially responsible for the bicyclist’s damages.

Watch the YouTube video. Below is a short clip about safe road cycling.

Bicycle Accidents – Common Injuries

Unsurprisingly, in a collision between a motor vehicle and a bicycle, the person riding the bike will be vulnerable to a higher degree of injury than the driver surrounded by metal. Even if the cyclist is wearing a properly fitted helmet and other protective gear, they are still very likely to suffer severe injuries if they are hit by a car. Below is a list of some of the common injury types we see with our clients who were hit while riding a bicycle:

Potential Recoverable Damages After a Bicycle Accident

Recovering from severe injuries following a bicycle accident can take an extended time. Medical bills continue to pile up during the long recovery, especially if there are surgeries and physical rehabilitation. On top of that, serious injuries often require time off from work, so in addition to steep medical expenses, the bicyclist must also deal with a reduction or loss of income. When injuries are severe and permanent, a career change or an exit from the workforce may become necessary. These circumstances can add up to devastating financial problems.

Financial problems following a major accident inevitably cause significant stress and anxiety for the injured party and their family. This is one of the primary reasons that consultation with a skilled Rio Vista bicycle injury attorney is essential. Having an experienced legal advocate on your side will protect you from having the insurance company take advantage of your economic vulnerability.

Below are some of the damages that may be recoverable following a bicycle accident caused by a negligent motorist:

  • Medical bills – those already incurred and those reported by a physician to be necessary in the future
  • Lost income – both already incurred and future loss of income/loss of income capacity
  • Pain and suffering

Another element of damages that may be available include a category known as loss of consortium damages. These may apply if the injured bicyclist was married during the crash. Loss of consortium damages are paid to the injured party’s spouse as compensation for the adverse effects that the accident and injuries had on the marital relationship.

In some exceptional cases, punitive damage may be sought if the motorist was egregiously negligent. These are not often awarded and only apply in limited circumstances.

Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Rio Vista, California

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a bicycle crash caused by a negligent party, do not delay getting an experienced lawyer on your side. Insurance companies always seek to pay as little as possible, and a legal advocate can ensure you are not mistreated. Call our Rio Vista bicycle accident lawyers at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 for free and friendly legal advice.

Searching for trusted legal counsel may help to see our verdicts and settlements history.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.18.23] Photo: by Donterase on Pixabay mm llo [cs 934]