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Newman Motorcycle Accident Attorney


Being injured in a Newman motorcycle crash can be life-changing, resulting in high medical bills, bike repairs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. When you’re injured by a collision with a negligent driver or for other reasons that aren’t your fault, you will be approached by an insurance company hoping for a quick, lowball settlement. Some people are tempted because they suddenly find themselves strapped for cash and facing substantial financial losses. However, at AutoAccident.com, we have successfully handled many of these injury claims to help you get the compensation you deserve.

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident in Newman and need legal guidance on how to proceed with your injury claim, call our experienced legal team at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

Getting Answers to Your Questions After a Motorcycle Accident Injury

Since 1982, our legal team has worked hard to help injured motorcyclists or grieving families hold the negligent driver accountable for their actions in causing a motorcycle collision. Let us help you recover the compensation you deserve. We also can let grieving families find justice for their loved ones by filing a wrongful death lawsuit. We understand it will never ease their grief, but it will help them survive financially without the support their loved ones once provided.

Handling Prejudice Against Motorcyclists Following a Crash

Motorcycle riders are often unfairly pegged by insurance companies and biased juries due to misrepresentation in movies. However, we know how to combat that prejudice by showing what a motorcycle can and cannot do, using safety precautions, and using expert witnesses. By doing so, we can reeducate others while preserving your right to recover for your damages.

Types of Negligence That Can Lead to a Motorcycle Accident 

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that in 2019, 5,000 motorcycle riders died, and more than 84,000 were injured in collisions. Many of these crashes involved driver errors such as:

  • Speeding is a major cause of collisions with a motorcycle. A driver speeding more easily loses control of their vehicle and needs a longer distance to stop.
  • Turning left in front of a motorcycle rider: Making a risky left turn in front of a motorcycle is the most common cause of a crash. Although many drivers say they never saw the motorcycle, others risk crossing a roadway to make a left turn, thinking they can do it before the rider reaches them. Because it is difficult to judge the distance and speed of another vehicle coming at you, this is negligent behavior, and a Newman motorcycle accident lawyer can gather the evidence to prove this.
  • Rear-end collisions: A motorist who rear-ends a motorcycle rider can cause them to be ejected from their bike, resulting in serious injuries or death.
  • Drunk or drugged drivers: A driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs may be slowing down and speeding up, cannot judge their distance from other vehicles, and weaves in and out of their lane. In these cases, it can be difficult for a motorcyclist or other driver to avoid a collision.
  • Unsafe lane changes: A motorist who doesn’t check their rear-view mirror for the presence of another driver or motorcyclist can cause a severe injury accident.
  • Lane-splitting accidents: Motorcyclists in California often lane-split. However, their safety depends on the drivers around them. A driver speeding, intoxicated, or changing lanes without being cautious can crash into a rider.
  • Dooring accidents: Dooring occurs when a driver is parked at a curb. If the driver or passenger opens their car door in a biker’s path, it can cause them to be thrown from their bike.
Additional Causes of Accidents Involving Motorcyclists

It isn’t just others on the roadway who can be negligent and cause an injury to a motorcyclist. Some of the other causes of collisions that can result in injuries include:

  • Defective motorcycle parts: Defects in a motorcycle’s brakes, tires, and other parts can lead to a severe accident. Retaining a bike following a crash is essential so it can be examined for defects. A motorcycle accident attorney in Newman can help by filing a product liability claim against the manufacturer if one is found. In a product liability claim, negligence does not have to be proven, only that the part was unaltered and used as intended.
  • Government negligence: When roadway defects are not adequately attended to, it can lead to a motorbike accident. Since they ride on two wheels, motorcycles are more likely to encounter hazardous conditions that can cause a spill. These include potholes, fissures, or upheavals in the pavement, gravel or debris, and others. If negligence by a government entity causes a motorbike accident injury, they may be held liable. The timeline for filing against a government entity is much shorter than other personal injuries, so it may be a good idea to consult a Newman motorcycle accident attorney in these cases. The injury lawyer can ensure that all paperwork is filed within the statute of limitations. Otherwise, the case will not be heard by the court.

In the video that follows, Newman motorcycle accident lawyer Ed Smith discusses the reasons you should consider hiring a personal injury law firm to handle your claim:

Experienced Motorcycle Accident Attorneys Serving Newman, CA

When you’ve suffered injuries in an accident that wasn’t your fault, we have free and friendly advice to offer. You can contact us at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400 or even message us online. We can answer your questions, review your claim in person or virtually if that’s better for you, and tell you what options are available for compensation.

See how we’ve helped our clients obtain maximum Settlements and Verdicts since 1982.

Editor’s Note: updated 11.22.23 Photo attribution: Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay cd [978]