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Marysville Truck Accident Lawyer


Each year, there are over 300,000 accidents that involve large commercial trucks. A high percentage of those collisions are fatal. California is regularly ranked as the state with the largest recorded trucking accidents. Most of these accidents occurred on more minor, rural roads rather than interstates.

While many truck drivers are safe, and most trucks reach their destinations without incident, some truckers are more prone to accidents due to negligence. The leading cause of truck accidents in the United States is truck driver abuse of prescription drugs. Speeding, fatigue, and alcoholism are also significant causes of accidents.

If you have suffered severe injuries in an accident involving a large truck in Marysville, call our experienced injury lawyers at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.

Other Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents may also be caused by the trucking company’s negligence, usually resulting from poor truck maintenance. For example, many trucks drive on the roads daily with old, worn tires that desperately need replacing. Unfortunately, some truckers do not take proper care of their vehicles, and even a small problem can result in devastating consequences.

Accidents involving large commercial trucks and freight shippers have much in common with regular automobile accidents. You likely have a driver who made a poor decision or acted recklessly while operating their vehicle. As a result of that reckless or careless action or inaction, a collision occurred where another individual suffered injuries. If you decide to take legal action against the trucking company and the driver who operated the vehicle, you must prove, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the operator’s carelessness proximately caused your injuries.

Types of Injuries Suffered in a Truck Accident

Many truck accident victims suffer life-altering, catastrophic injuries that can completely derail their future. For example, many accident victims suffer spinal cord injuries or even paralysis. In addition, a truck accident victim might suffer a traumatic brain injury and other head trauma. They may also suffer broken bones, facial lacerations, and/or torn ligaments.

These injuries are severe from a medical perspective and can result in long-term treatment needs. Hospital bills can become expensive very quickly and result in tremendous financial strain. Obtaining monetary compensation through a personal injury claim can help reduce that burden on accident victims.

Compensation for Commercial Truck Accident Injuries

If you or a family member suffered a severe injury after a commercial tractor-trailer collided with your vehicle, you could pursue compensation for your harm and losses. Those hurt in Marysville trucking accidents can file a claim seeking financial restitution for the medical bills incurred from the collision and future medical expenses, lost wages due to taking time off work to recuperate, and damages for pain and suffering.

In rare cases, you may also be able to pursue an award of punitive damages. But punitive damages are typically only recoverable if there is convincing evidence that the truck operator’s conduct was grossly negligent.

How You Are Compensated for Your Truck Accident

Many people think that if they are hit by a truck, they should take legal action against the truck operator. That is true, but you may also have a viable claim against the truck operator’s employer. In fact, to obtain the compensation described above, your claim should be against both the truck operator, the employer, and potentially other parties. This is because most large commercial trucking companies carry insurance policies over one million dollars. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) mandates that all freight trucks have a liability insurance policy of between $750,000 and $5,000,000, depending on the type of commodities transported.

If you only took legal action against the truck operator, there is a good chance you would never actually be compensated for your harm and losses. A prominent jury verdict against an individual may result in the individual shielding themselves through state and federal bankruptcy laws. A personal injury claim aims to get you adequately compensated, and the liability coverage that trucking companies carry on their vehicles can enable that recovery to occur.

Benefits of Retaining a Marysville Truck Accident Lawyer

When dealing with insurance claims adjusters, you want an experienced Marysville truck accident attorney to negotiate on your behalf. You should focus on your recovery and picking up the pieces of your life after the collision. Hiring a lawyer removes the stress and anxiety of dealing with the trucking company and its team of adjusters and defense lawyers.

While it is possible to obtain compensation by filing a claim alone, there is a good chance you will receive less than you would if you hired a Marysville truck accident lawyer. Insurance claims are complicated, and insurance adjusters are well known for making lowball settlement offers. Good attorneys know the tricks that insurance companies play on unrepresented claimants and can counter their penny-pinching tactics.

Additionally, if your case needs to go to trial, you will want an experienced litigator to represent you and your interests.

Limited Time to File an Injury Claim for Compensation

Your time is limited when taking legal action in a personal injury case. If you have been injured in an accident with a large commercial truck, you only have two years from the accident date to file a claim, according to the California statute of limitations. This means that if you fail to file a lawsuit within two years, a judge reviewing your case will likely throw it out due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. More immediate action is also beneficial to the viability of your case because your lawyer needs time to investigate the cause of the collision, speak to witnesses, file a claim with the truck company, and other pre-trial matters.

Getting hit by a commercial truck can be a life-altering event. You may suffer severe injuries that you won’t be able to return to work or enjoy the same life you had before the collision. You should call an experienced truck accident lawyer in Marysville today.

The video below provides tips on how to help prevent truck accidents by practicing particular defensive driving.

Truck Accident Lawyers Serving Marysville, CA

Being involved in a wreck with a large truck can be frightening. If you or someone you care about has been injured in a truck accident, please call our experienced Marysville truck accident attorneys for free and friendly advice at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400.

We have practiced personal injury and wrongful death law since 1982, serving and representing countless truck crash victims.

We are members of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the National Association of Distinguished Counsel.

See our client reviews on AvvoGoogle, and Yelp and our past cases on our Verdicts and Settlements page.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 12.7.22] sb bw [cs 1151] Image by Schwoaze from Pixabay