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Keyes Motorcycle Accident Attorney


Motorcycles are a common transportation choice in California, especially when the weather is nice and warm. But unlike other motor vehicles on the road, riding a motorcycle is riskier, which requires the biker to take extra safety measures. Bikers have little protection when colliding with a motor vehicle, even when following all safety protocols, like wearing a helmet and protective clothing. In addition, road hazards like potholes, cracks, and slick roads create a greater risk for motorcyclists than drivers. Then, when you consider the number of distracted motorists on the road these days, the motorcycle rider becomes an extremely vulnerable member of our society.

If you or a family member has been in a motorcycle crash in Keyes or anywhere else in Stanislaus County, you may be able to seek compensation from the at-fault driver, a motorcycle manufacturer, or another party. Call our injury lawyers today at (209) 227-1931 for a free consultation.

Motorcycle Crash Statistics in California

According to a 2018 report from the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA):

  • 800,000 motorcycles are registered in California.
  • 16,505 motorcycle accidents occurred in 2017.
  • About 80% of all motorcycle crashes result in injury or death each year.
  • Head and brain injuries are the most common wounds.
  • Less than 60 percent of riders killed were wearing helmets.
  • Helmets saved an estimated 1,872 lives.
  • Drivers ages 25 to 34 are most likely involved in motorcycle accidents.
  • Nearly 25 percent of motorcyclists in fatal crashes didn’t have a legal motorcycle license.
  • 22.8% of deadly motorcycle accidents involve an intoxicated rider
Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident

Injuries from a motorcycle crash can range from bruises and broken bones to traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. The crashes can leave riders amputated, paralyzed, or with other permanent disabilities. While medical expenses for a single injury can cause a financial strain for the biker and their family, those with multiple injuries and permanently disabled can face the lifelong hardship of doctor’s bills and physical therapy. But there is hope.

At AutoAccident.com, our skilled motorcycle accident attorneys advocate for riders who have sustained severe injuries due to negligent drivers and government entities. We have a solid track record of achieving the compensation they need and deserve. Read on to learn more.

Recoverable Damages in a Motorcycle Accident

Careless and distracted drivers cause motorcycle accidents every day. If you have been injured in a bike wreck, you have rights. With help from our experienced Keyes motorcycle accident attorneys, you may begin to pursue the compensation you need for your damages, including:

  • Medical expenses: Current and future health care costs, such as doctor’s appointments, surgeries, physical therapy, and medications.
  • Lost wages: Lost income from taking time off work for medical care and lost future earnings for a disability.
  • Property repairs: The costs to repair or replace your damaged motorcycle are based on the pre-crash value of the bike.
  • Noneconomic damages: Intangible damages such as pain and suffering, trauma, anguish, and distress.
  • Punitive damages: Depending on the circumstances of your motorcycle wreck, you could receive this type of damages to punish the at-fault driver for their egregious actions.

The compensation amount depends on your crash case’s unique circumstances and the damages involved. You can get a more accurate estimation of your motorcycle crash claim during a free consultation with one of our injury lawyers at AutoAccident.com. We will review your case and offer free advice as to how we believe you should proceed.

Why You Need a Keyes Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Injuries in a motorcycle accident can be physically and financially intense. Retaining a motorcycle accident attorney for your injuries is essential when dealing with the repercussions of a crash. If you have been involved in a motorcycle collision, you should talk to a personal injury lawyer to understand your legal rights. Are you ready to pursue a claim for compensation from the other party’s insurance company to pay for all costs relating to your crash? We can help.

The YouTube video below explains what to look for when selecting a Keyes motorcycle accident lawyer for your injury case.

Call our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Keyes, CA

At AutoAccident.com, our legal team works hard on personal injury cases and knows what it takes to recover fair compensation for our clients. If you have been injured in a motorcycle collision and need solid representation, call our Keyes motorcycle accident attorneys at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400 for free and friendly advice on how to get your claim started.

We handle cases on a contingency fee basis. Under this arrangement, we are paid a percentage of the amount we successfully recover for our clients. This allows injured individuals to retain the services of an experienced injury lawyer regardless of their personal finances.

Editor’s Note: updated 11.22.23 Photo by steelfish on Pixabay cha llo [cs 816]