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Fremont Bicycle Accident Lawyer


Fremont is considered one of the best cities in California for bicyclists. It was recognized as a Bronze-level Bicycle Friendly City by the League of American Bicyclists in 2019. Its Walnut Avenue Bikeway was acknowledged as one of the Ten Best New Bikeways of 2020 in the nation by People for Bikes.

While Fremont has implemented a citywide network of bikeway facilities to keep bicyclists safe on the road, accidents can still happen, especially around heavy traffic areas.

Under California laws, bicycles are considered vehicles, meaning bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities to the road as motor vehicle drivers. Unfortunately, drivers don’t often give cyclists the respect they are due simply because bikes are smaller, slower, and less visible than passenger vehicles. If a driver is impatient, distracted, intoxicated, or aggressive when driving near a cyclist, a severe or fatal injury accident can happen quickly.

If you were hurt in a cycling crash in Fremont, CA, call our law office at (510) 631-0200 or (800) 404-5400 for a free no-obligation consultation. Our injury attorneys have extensive experience representing injured bicyclists in Fremont and Alameda County. At AutoAccident.com, legal team is ready to put our skills and resources to work for you.

Most Common Injuries from Bicycle Crashes

Accidents between cars and bicycles often result in more catastrophic injuries than in other traffic-related accidents. Because a bicyclist has little to no protection from injury in a crash, bicycle accidents can lead to serious injuries, including:

Common Causes and Types of Bicycle Accidents 

Some common causes of bicycle collisions in Fremont include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Drowsy driving
  • Failure to yield the right of way
  • Illegal turns
  • Not signaling or checking mirrors before turning or changing lanes
  • Passing too closely to a bicycle
  • Running stop signs and red lights
  • Reckless driving
  • Speeding motorists
  • Tailgating
Bicycle Laws in California

California laws protect everyone who uses the road, including motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Because bicyclists have the same rights as motorists, both are expected to coexist on our roadways. Due to the bicycle’s nature as a slower vehicle with less protection, some laws regarding riding a bike are required.

Staying to the Right: Bicyclists must ride with the flow of traffic. Since cyclists travel slower than regular traffic, they must ride in a designated bike lane or closer to the right side of the road. Bikers can move into another lane in certain situations, such as:

  • Passing a car, another bicycle, or pedestrian traveling in the same direction.
  • Making a left turn at an intersection, onto a driveway or road.
  • Avoiding dangerous road conditions or narrow lanes.
  • Approaching a road where a right turn is allowed.

Following The Three Feet Rule: According to California’s Three Feet for Safety Act, drivers must provide at least a 3-feet distance when passing a bicyclist traveling in the same direction. If road conditions or traffic prevent a driver from obeying the three feet rule, the motorist must slow down and pass the bicycle only when it is safe. Even when keeping a reasonable distance from bicyclists, motorists are expected to make safe and predictable movements to protect the riders.

Some other California laws governing bicycles include:

  • Bicycles may not carry passengers unless designed and equipped with a seat.
  • Bicycles may not ride on roads with a speed limit over 50 mph.
  • Helmets are required for all bicycle riders under the age of 16.
  • A noticeable white light should be secured to the bike or cyclist when riding at night.
  • Bicycles must be equipped with brakes that allow the rider to come to a complete stop on a dry, level, and clean pavement.
Tips for Bicyclists and Motorists Sharing California Roads

Drivers should always watch for bicyclists, leave room for cyclists and share the road. Bicyclists can also take the following steps to keep themselves safer on the roadways:

  • Check your bicycle’s brakes and tires before riding.
  • Always wear a bicycle helmet.
  • Always wear reflective or brightly colored clothing.
  • Ride defensively. Never assume what a motorist will do.
  • Always be prepared to act to avoid a collision.
Who Is Liable for a Bicycle Crash in Fremont?

In most cases, the negligent motorist who hit the bicyclist will be liable for the accident. However, depending on the facts and circumstances of the accident, other parties may have liability, including:

  • The bike manufacturer, if a defect causes the crash.
  • The vehicle manufacturer, if a defective auto part causes an accident.
  • The driver’s employer, if the accident happened while the driver was on the clock.
  • Government entities, if the bicycle accident was caused by unsafe roadways or malfunctioning traffic signals.
Filing an Injury Claim for a Fremont Bike Accident

If you are hit by a motor vehicle while riding your bicycle, you may be able to file an injury claim to pursue compensation for your injuries and damages.

  • You can file a suit against the at-fault driver.
  • If the negligent driver has little or no insurance, you may file a claim with your insurer under your uninsured/underinsured (UM/UIM) motorist coverage insurance policy. With UM/UIM coverage, your own insurance company steps in for the at-fault driver’s insurance, covering the compensation the other party would be liable to pay.
  • You may also file a claim through your insurance under your policy’s MedPay or personal injury protection (PIP) coverage.
How a Fremont Bicycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

After you have been hurt in a bike collision, our Fremont bicycle accident lawyers at AutoAccident.com can help you pursue monetary recovery from the negligent driver or another liable party. Our experienced accident lawyers can assist you with:

  • Gathering evidence from the accident scene and collecting your medical records, income statements, and bills to build your case.
  • Working with medical, financial, and accident reconstruction experts to help us effectively argue the other party’s liability for the injuries and the damages you incurred.
  • Filing your injury claim with the other party’s insurance company.
  • Negotiating with the insurance company for a fair financial recovery.
  • If necessary, take your case to court to demand a favorable result on your behalf.

Watch the following video for information on choosing the best bicycle accident lawyer for your case.

Call Our Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Fremont, CA Today

If you were injured while riding a bike in Fremont or elsewhere in Alameda County, don’t hesitate to contact a skilled bike accident lawyer for help. Contact our Fremont bicycle accident attorneys at AutoAccident.com today for a free, no-obligation case review. Call us today at (510) 631-0200 or (800) 404-5400 to get started on your free and friendly case advice.

Our injury attorneys are dedicated to representing injured bicyclists who have suffered severe personal injuries due to negligent drivers and other liable parties.

We work on a contingent fee basis, meaning you don’t owe us anything unless we successfully recover fair compensation for you.

To learn more about how we have helped our former clients, see our past verdicts and settlements and client reviews on AvvoYelp, and Google.

Editor’s Note: This page has been updated for accuracy and relevancy [cha 9.12.22]

Image of Mihai Surdu on Pixabay.

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