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Fairfield Slip and Fall Lawyer

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When someone experiences a slip and fall on another’s property, they can be injured. Under California premises liability law, the owner or possessor of the property can be held responsible for accidents of this kind if negligence is involved. A Fairfield slip and fall attorney can help you obtain the compensation you deserve if you are injured in an accident caused by a slippery floor or another act of negligence.

Why Do I Need a Fairfield Slip and Fall Lawyer After an Accident Injury?

Throughout the years, our injury attorneys have assisted many clients in obtaining fair compensation following injuries resulting from negligence by others. We know you have to deal with mounting medical costs and being unable to work. We sympathize with you in your difficulties. Injury should not be accompanied by financial hardship. At AutoAccident.com, we offer a free consultation when you call us at (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 to discuss your case, answer your questions and tell you about options to recover damages.

What Does an Attorney Do to Help?

If you are involved in an accident in Solano County, you’d be wise to have your case handled by an attorney because multiple parties or entities might be liable. For example, if you become injured while on your bicycle, liability depends on whose property you are on and whether it is a homeowner or the city. Depending on the nature of your accident and injuries, your attorney can determine who is responsible, investigate for evidence supporting the claim, and negotiate with the insurance company. As a result, you will be able to heal from your trauma without worrying about mounting bills because you may be able to recover those losses.

Where Does Liability Lie in Slip and Fall Accidents?

If a visitor or patron suffers an injury while on the property, the following may be liable:

  • Private residence owner
  • A commercial property manager or lessee
  • Properties owned by the government
  • Owners of public venues such as concert halls, amusement parks, and swimming pools
  • Rental property landlords or owner
  • Airports as well as train or bus stations manager or owner
  • National parks and the park system/federal or state government
Slip and Fall Accidents: How Do They Happen?

A slip and fall accident can be caused by a variety of factors and in different locations, such as the following:

  • Water or another liquid spilled on a floor accounts for many slip and fall accidents.
  • Poorly stacked products on shelves that fall or a lack of warning signs can lead to a person falling.
  • Drink and ice machines in stores that leak can lead to a fall.
  • Store clutter, such as haphazardly arranged or stacked items, can cause a fall if they end up on the floor.
  • Lack of slip-proof grocery store mats around produce isles can lead to an accident.
  • Broken curbs, upheavals, and potholes on commercial or government properties can lead to a slip and fall.
  • Stores with bunched carpeting, cords strung across the floor, or other hazards can cause a trip and fall.
  • The lack of OSHA standards that protect workers from slip, trip, and fall accidents leaves companies liable for injuries.
  • Loose handrails or carpeting and poor lighting on stairs can cause a slip or trip and fall accident.
  • Uneven flooring in elevators that causes a trip hazard can lead to accidents.
  • Dangerous escalators in department stores can be caused by a lack of inspection, missing teeth, or bolts that stick out.
What Can I Do After a Slip and Fall Injury to Protect My Rights?

Following these steps can help you protect your claim for compensation if you are injured by a fall in a public or private location:

  • In the case of a severe injury, ask for medical attention.
  • Complete an accident report, and inform the manager or other responsible individual of where and why the incident happened.
  • Try looking for video cameras or asking a friend to take pictures of their location.
  • Use your cell phone to take pictures of the area where you were injured.
  • Find out who witnessed your accident and obtain their contact information.
  • Keep a record of any store employees you saw in the area before, during, or after the fall.
  • Look around where you fell to see if anyone noticed accumulated water or something else that caused your accident.
  • Photograph your injuries.
  • Make a point of preserving the clothing and shoes in a plastic bag you wore when you were injured.
  • You should keep track of your injury symptoms and outlying costs for treatment in a notebook, along with receipts.

Take a moment to watch the video below from attorney Ed Smith on how to choose an injury lawyer:

What Kind of Compensation Can I Recover?

Compensation following a slip and fall can either be through the property owner’s insurance company or public entity or by taking the case to civil court if no agreement is reached. However, insurance companies frequently offer a lowball settlement to get the injured party to sign off and avoid further liability later. A slip and fall lawyer from Fairfield knows all the tricks insurers use and will negotiate for you to obtain the best settlement possible. By filing a premises liability lawsuit, the following can be recovered:

  • Medical expenses: A claim for reimbursement of medical expenses can include transportation to the hospital, hospitalization, medications, tests, physicians’ fees, rehabilitation, and other related expenses.
  • Lost Wages: Your lost wages can be recovered, as well as the perks you would have earned if you hadn’t been injured. This includes commissions, bonuses and tips, and other income.
  • Pain and suffering: After a slip and fall accident, you may suffer from psychological and emotional trauma and physical pain. A financial settlement for this trauma can also be recovered, including any necessary treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder.
What Must Be Proven to Recover Compensation?

There are four main elements your Fairfield slip and fall attorney must establish to win your case:

  • The defendant owned or controlled the property. Property or business owners, landlords, lessees, and tenants are responsible for the safety of their properties.
  • The defendant was negligent. Negligence is behavior that a rational person would consider negligent under similar or similar circumstances.
  • The defendant’s negligence led to your injury accident. Your lawyer must prove causation by linking the defendant’s negligence to the cause of your accident. Your accident would not have happened if the defendant had not been negligent.
  • You fell and suffered an injury while on the defendant’s property. You must provide evidence of your physical injuries, which led to medical bills and lost wages due to the slip and fall accident.
Fairfield Slip and Fall Lawyer

We offer free and friendly advice when you call (707) 564-1900 or (800) 404-5400 if you have been injured in a slip, trip, or fall accident. We can arrange an in-person or virtual meeting at no cost to you. Your questions will be answered, and your case will be reviewed so that you know all the recovery options available.

Visit our Settlements and Verdicts to see how our injury lawyers have helped clients since 1982.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.17.23] Photo attribution: Oli Hale from Pixabay cd llo [1213]