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Eureka Pedestrian Accident Lawyer


Eureka is a beautiful city with plenty of parks and local businesses that are well worth walking to, so it’s no wonder many residents go on foot. However, when pedestrians share roadways with vehicles, there is always the risk of a severe collision. Because pedestrians aren’t protected by steel walls, airbags, or even helmets, they can sustain severe injuries, even in low-speed accidents. Sadly, pedestrian accident injuries frequently significantly impact pedestrians’ lives.

As Eureka pedestrian accident lawyers, we take pride in helping injured pedestrians recover compensation after serious auto accidents so they can recover and move forward with their lives.

We Specialize in Major Accident Cases

Our firm has specialized in major accident cases for almost four decades, and we only handle cases involving severe or fatal injuries. Because we’ve focused on our practice for so long, every one of our lawyers is an expert in handling high-value cases. We are well prepared to go up against at-fault parties and insurance companies willing to put up a legal battle to avoid financial responsibility for accidents.

While we will only take on major injury cases, we handle several types. These include but aren’t limited to:

Dangerous Intersections for Eureka Pedestrians

Pedestrian accidents frequently occur at intersections; some intersections are more dangerous than others. While it might be impossible to say precisely when or where a pedestrian crash will happen, it is possible to increase your safety by learning about what areas of your city are hazardous.

According to data from the Eureka Police Department and other area traffic agencies, these intersections saw the most severe pedestrian accidents between 2009 and 2020. Each intersection is listed next to the number of pedestrian accidents that occurred within 250 feet of the location during the period in question:

  • Broadway Street at Fairfield Street and Wabash Avenue, 13
  • 14th Street at Broadway Street, 10
  • H Street at Laura Lane, 10
  • Broadway Street at Henderson Street, 9
  • 14th Street at Albee Street, 8
  • California Street at Harris Street, 8
  • Harris Street at Pine Street, 8
  • Koster Street at Wabash Avenue, 7
  • Myrtle Avenue at West Avenue, 7
Staying Safe as a Pedestrian

You can also decrease your chances of being hurt in a pedestrian accident by educating yourself on best practices for walking safely on public roadways. To get some excellent pedestrian safety tips, watch this video from Safe Steps:

What Damages Can Pedestrians Claim Through Injury Claims?

Pedestrian accident injuries can be both painful and stressful, and the recovery process may take an extended period. Not only that, but recovering is also often very expensive. Severe injuries may require many medical treatments, including surgeries, medications, physical therapy, etc. Affording these treatments can be complicated and even harder for those unable to work because of their injuries.

Fortunately, these economic damages and more can be included in personal injury claim compensation packages. While every case is different and compensation depends on your specific circumstances, injury cases usually include two main damages. These are economic damages like medical bills and lost income and non-economic damages related to loss of quality of life.

You should always seek direct advice from an experienced Eureka personal injury lawyer to better understand what you can claim for your case. Most attorneys are happy to give you free advice during a phone consultation, so there is nothing to lose by seeking professional advice.

How Do I Find a Trustworthy Lawyer?

Pedestrian accident survivors have a lot to worry about. Finding a lawyer you know you can trust shouldn’t add stress to an already difficult situation. Fortunately, finding an excellent Eureka pedestrian accident attorney doesn’t need to be complicated. While searching for an attorney, keep these things in mind:

  • Reputation – Your attorney should have an excellent reputation among their peers and prior clients. To find out about a lawyer’s reputation, you only need to look through their profiles on sites like Avvo or Yelp.
  • Experience – To ensure your lawyer will handle your case effectively, you should know they’ve successfully resolved cases like yours. An excellent way to do this is to look for the attorney’s settlements and verdicts page on their website. If you can’t find one, you should feel free to ask about an attorney’s past successes in person.
  • Resources – Because injury cases can be costly, at-fault parties are frequently willing to put considerable resources into defending themselves. You should know your attorney has enough manpower and time to commit to your case. To see if an attorney is willing to do everything they can to get you the payments you deserve, ask them whether or not they would be comfortable taking your case to trial.
Eureka Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

Pedestrian injuries can be severe. To get free, friendly advice about your pedestrian accident case, please contact us as soon as you can at (800) 404-5400 or (707) 564-1900. Our law firm has helped people in Eureka and other Northern CA cities with pedestrian accident cases since 1982. Learn about our work by examining our past settlements and verdicts.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 9.11.23] Photo by Pille Kirsi from Pexels ms cha [cs 879]