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Escalon Bicycle Accident Lawyer


In a small rural city in San Joaquin County with a country feel, it is not uncommon to see residents in Escalon out enjoying a bike ride down Main Street or on their way to Sanchez Park. However, when bicyclists ride near vehicle traffic, there is always the potential for severe accidents. When an unfortunate collision occurs, an experienced Escalon bicycle accident lawyer can help protect the legal rights of the injured bicyclist.

If you have sustained debilitating injuries in an accident while riding a bike, call our injury lawyers for a free consultation at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400.

Bicycle Accident Statistics in the U.S.

Bicyclists face danger on the road daily, and an accident with a motor vehicle can result in serious injuries or even death. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), more than 840 people nationwide were killed in bicycle accidents in 2019, while 417,000 were injured. Pedestrian fatalities have risen 51% since reaching a low in 2009, accounting for 17% of crash deaths.

Leading Causes of Bicycle Accidents

A bicycle accident can happen in many ways. Among them are road defects caused by poor road maintenance and defects in the bicycle. However, most accidents between vehicles and bicyclists are due to driver negligence. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), bicycle accidents are caused by some of the following driver errors:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Driving distracted, such as texting or talking on the phone
  • Failing to stop or yield at a stop sign or traffic light
  • Opening a car door into the path of an oncoming cyclist
  • Turning into the path of an oncoming bicyclist at an intersection
Injuries Commonly Caused in Bicycle Accidents

Bicyclists can suffer traumatic injuries that can cause temporary or permanent disability. Some common injuries sustained in bicycle accidents include:

How to Stay Safe While Riding a Bicycle

It is essential for riders to be alert and focused on the road to avoid getting hurt or killed in a bicycle accident. Below are a few safety tips cyclists must do to stay safe while riding:

  • Ride in the same direction as traffic.
  • Do not assume the driver can see you.
  • Obey all traffic signals, signs, and road markings.
  • Do not listen to music or talk on the phone when riding.
  • Look ahead for any potentially dangerous situations that can cause an accident.

Watch the following YouTube video to learn some safety tips on avoiding bad roads while riding your bike.

Recovering Damages for Your Bicycle Crash

Damages that may be recoverable in a bicycle accident claim include:

  • Medical expenses
  • Wage loss
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of consortium

An experienced Escalon bicycle accident lawyer will fight on your behalf and may be able to get total compensation for your damages while you focus on your recovery.

Why You Need an Escalon Bicycle Accident Lawyer

Following an accident with a motor vehicle, the cyclist will likely have a lengthy recovery period. Healing from devastating injuries takes time and money. Rather than arguing with an insurance company during your recovery period, your goal should focus on regaining your physical and emotional health. Most insurance companies are only interested in offering a lowball settlement on your injury claim. A skilled accident attorney knows the tricks and tactics of insurance companies and can fight to protect your financial interests.

Time Limit to File a Bicycle Accident Claim

There is a two-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases in California. That means your claim must be filed before the second anniversary of your bicycle collision. The time limit is only six months if your accident involves a government or public entity. Protecting these time constraints is essential. It is wise to consult an experienced Escalon bicycle accident attorney to discuss your legal options. When a minor is involved in a bicycle accident, the statute of limitations differs from that of an adult. Call us if you have questions about this issue. We are happy to help.

Escalon Bicycle Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in a bicycle accident due to a negligent driver or a road defect, you will need the insight of an experienced injury attorney. By consulting with one of our skilled bicycle accident lawyers in Escalon, you may benefit from the legal guidance we can provide. Call our law office at (209) 227-1931 or (800) 404-5400 for free, friendly advice. You can also contact us online.

Editor’s Note: updated 11.7.23 Photo by Axel Brunst on Unsplash cha [cs 808]