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East Sacramento Pedestrian Accident Lawyer


Walking is popular throughout the country and no more so than in East Sacramento. Beautiful parks, the American River running by the north side, and many places to enjoy the scenery. Others walk to work, run errands, or get healthy exercise. However, pedestrian accidents happen even in the best of places and the best of times. A motor vehicle comes out of nowhere, and the next thing the walker knows, they are injured and face high medical bills, lost wages, and a long recuperation period. This is where the services of an experienced East Sacramento pedestrian accident lawyer come in. 

Dangers of Walking

Look around at any intersection, and you’ll see pedestrians walking with cars driving only feet away. Not all drivers use the caution that is needed in this situation. It is little wonder that out of all accidents, 13 percent involve a pedestrian. Nearly 6,000 accidents are fatal, and approximately 150,000 walkers suffer injuries annually. Most accidents occur after sundown (68 percent), with only 32 percent happening in the daylight hours. 

Pedestrian dangers affect people of all ages, although the distribution is anything but equal. Roughly 19 percent of all fatal childhood injuries are due to a pedestrian accident. At the opposite end of the age spectrum, 79 percent of pedestrian deaths involve older walkers

City Infrastructure Is Part of the Problem

One factor in many pedestrian injuries and deaths is the lack of a solid infrastructure to promote safety. Roads were designed without pedestrians in mind. As time passed, more walkers meant this thinking had to be revised. Slowly, crosswalks were added to increase pedestrian safety.

The city can be considered liable if a pedestrian accident happens due to a lack of crosswalks despite evidence that they are needed. In addition, if the crosswalk is not well-lit or lacks proper crossing devices, the municipal government can be taken to task. A pedestrian injury lawyer in East Sacramento can file a claim against the city for damages. 

It is important to note that the time limit for filing this type of claim differs significantly from that of other personal injury lawsuits. For instance, the claimant must file the initial administrative claim within six months of the accident. The city then has 45 days to deny or approve the claim. If the city denies the claim, the claimant has six months to file a lawsuit against the city. On the other hand, if the city does not respond, the claimant has 2 years to file a lawsuit. 

Your pedestrian accident lawyer in East Sacramento will help you through this ordeal. They will ensure that all documents are filled out correctly and filed promptly. 

Speeding and Pedestrian Injury

It stands to reason that the faster a vehicle travels, the greater the injury the pedestrian suffers. Studies show that the risk of pedestrian injury at 17.1 mph is 10 percent. At 24.9 mph, the risk escalates to 25 percent, and at 40 mph, it reaches 75 percent. When the driver travels at 48.1 mph, the risk of severe injury or death reaches 90 percent.

This is why many cities are lowering the speed limit on urban streets. In New York City, this tactic saved many lives. Pedestrian death rates dropped dramatically by lowering the speed limit, increasing enforcement, and promoting safer street design.

Ways Pedestrians Can Improve Their Safety

Pedestrians are vulnerable to severe injuries when struck by a motor vehicle. One way they can lower that risk is by being as safe as possible. Some ways in which they can do this are:

  • Follow the rules of the road and obey traffic laws.
  • Walk on a sidewalk when possible. If not, face the traffic and keep your distance from motorists.
  • Wear bright clothing during the day.
  • Use a designated crosswalk whenever possible, even if it means walking an extra block.
  • Never jaywalk. Motorists do not expect to see someone attempting to cross outside an intersection, and they can be obscured by parked vehicles.
  • Never take a walk while inebriated. It is just as dangerous for a walker as for anyone else.
  • Use extra precautions at night. Only cross in well-lit areas, and do not wear dark colors. Wearing an item with reflective tape on it and carrying a flashlight helps too.
  • Do not walk distracted. This can include talking on a cell phone or listening to music.
  • Stay alert to the surrounding traffic.

Watch the video below for more pedestrian safety tips.

Investigating an East Sacramento Pedestrian Accident

When a pedestrian is injured by a negligent driver, they may want to claim compensation with the help of an experienced East Sacramento pedestrian accident attorney. Over the years, our lawyers have handled many pedestrian accident injury cases, winning our clients the financial compensation they deserve. However, an investigation to collect the evidence to support a client’s claim is necessary. Our investigators go to the site of the accident right away to begin. Some of the evidence they collect can include:

  • Reviewing the report by the police for errors
  • Interviewing witnesses 
  • Gathering forensic evidence in the form of accident reconstruction
  • Looking for video footage of the accident, which can include witness cell phones and traffic or business surveillance cameras
  • Checking for malfunctioning traffic or crossing lights, obscured foliage, or other signs of government negligence

Once the evidence is compiled, our East Sacramento pedestrian accident lawyers use it to construct a strong case that benefits our client’s claim.

Call an East Sacramento Pedestrian Accident Attorney Today

Pedestrians have the same rights and responsibilities as others sharing the roadway. You are entitled to fair compensation when you become injured by a negligent driver or other entity. Call our experienced East Sacramento pedestrian accident lawyers at (916) 921-6400 or (800) 404-5400. We can also be contacted online.

Editor’s Note: updated 7.17.23 Image by Brian Merrill from Pixabay cd cha [cs 1023]