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Crescent City Motorcycle Accident Attorney


Crescent City is a breathtakingly beautiful coastal town located at the northern edge of California. The stunning views and fresh sea air make it an ideal place for residents to enjoy the freedom of riding motorcycles. For many riders, it offers a chance to reduce emissions, lower fuel costs, and experience the thrill of adventure.

Despite the many benefits of riding, motorcyclists face significant risks every time they hit the road, even the most cautiously. Motorcycle accidents are all too common, and the injuries sustained can be severe and life-changing, affecting the rider and their family.

At our Crescent City Motorcycle Accident law firm, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that these accidents can take on our clients. We are here to provide you and your family with compassionate legal support and guidance during these challenging times.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle crash, call our legal team at (707) 564-1900 for a free case evaluation. We are here to help you recover and rebuild so you can focus on healing and moving forward with your life.

We are Experts in Major Injury Claims

Personal injury claims can be complicated, and obtaining the compensation you deserve is not always easy. Often, at-fault parties and/or insurance companies spend considerable time and resources building a legal defense. If the case involves a significant injury, liable parties typically stand to lose much more money. They will be willing to defend themselves even more aggressively, making it much harder for survivors to obtain the compensation they need.

Our law firm has focused exclusively on major injury cases since 1982. Because of this, we are seasoned experts in major injury claims. We know how to investigate accidents, negotiate with insurance companies, and argue cases in court to ensure our clients can recover their damages and move forward with their lives.

The “Personal” Personal Injury Attorneys

At our law firm, we believe in treating our clients with compassion and empathy, recognizing that injuries can profoundly impact their lives. We are proud to be known as a “personal” injury firm, as it reflects our commitment to creating a strong, personal connection with our clients.

We understand that building a personal connection allows us to truly understand the impact of our client’s injuries on their lives. This knowledge helps us better advocate for their rights and achieve the best possible outcomes in courtrooms and negotiations.

We believe that every client deserves to be treated with kindness, respect, and dignity and that our client’s success is our success. We are here to support our clients every step of the way, providing them with the legal guidance and emotional support they need to navigate this challenging time. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury, please do not hesitate to contact us for a compassionate, personalized approach to your case.

Del Norte County Motorcycle Accident Data

Data from local traffic agencies like the Crescent City Police Department and California Highway Patrol indicates that 1,580 auto accidents caused injuries in Del Norte County between 2009 and 2020. Of these 1,580 collisions, 149 involved a motorcycle, and just under ten percent of Del Norte accidents were motorcyclist crashes.

Additionally, the data proves that Del Norte motorcycle accidents were significantly more dangerous than other collisions. While the fatality rate for all 1,580 crashes was around 5.8 percent, the rate for motorcycle accidents was eight percent. Likewise, motorcycle accidents were 25% more likely to cause severe injury.

How to Avoid Accidents While Riding a Motorcycle

Accidents are unpredictable, and nobody can say when or where one will take place. However, there are many things that motorcyclists can do to reduce their chances of being involved in a crash and suffering severe injuries. To learn more about driving safely on a motorcycle, you can watch this video:

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Motorcyclists typically do everything they can to protect themselves from injury and wear helmets, body armor, and other safety gear to stay safe. However, motorcyclists are still vulnerable and liable to sustain various serious injury types during accidents. Some of the most common injury types for motorcyclists include:

These injuries often require a long recovery process and extensive medical attention. Injured motorcyclists may need surgeries, physical therapy, long-term medications, and more to fully regain their health. Motorcyclists sometimes never fully recover and are left with life-long health issues like chronic pain or impacted mobility.

These treatments can add up quickly and often leave motorcyclists with costly medical bills. Furthermore, people who suffer severe accident trauma may be unable to work, resulting in lost income and/or earning potential. Altogether, these issues can leave people in a dire financial situation.

How an Injury Lawyer Can Help

Thankfully, injured motorcyclists can seek help from a Crescent City motorcycle accident attorney. An expert attorney can help you understand what compensation you can claim for your injuries. If you decide to file a claim, your attorney will be critical in holding liable parties financially responsible.

Not only are motorcyclists frequently able to claim compensation for medical bills and lost income, but they can also often obtain payments for other losses like personal suffering, damaged property, and more. However, the payments available vary widely from case to case, so it’s always best to seek advice from a lawyer before making any decisions. Because most accident attorneys are happy to give a free phone consultation to injured parties, there’s nothing to lose by getting advice from an expert.

Call Our Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Crescent City

If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll it can take on you and your family. It can be a difficult and overwhelming situation, and you deserve to have someone on your side to help you navigate this challenging time.

Our Crescent City motorcycle accident attorneys are here to offer you free and friendly advice, providing you with the support and guidance you need to make informed decisions about your legal options. We are committed to treating every client with compassion and empathy, recognizing their unique challenges in the aftermath of an accident.

Since 1982, our legal team has been helping people in Crescent City obtain fair and just compensation for their injuries. We have a proven track record of success, having obtained many successful settlements and verdicts for our clients.

If you need legal help after a motorcycle accident, please do not hesitate to contact us at (800) 404-5400 or (707) 564-1900. We are here to listen to your story, answer your questions, and provide you with the personalized support and representation you deserve.

See our past cases of Verdicts and Settlements.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 4.25.23] Image by SplitShire from Pixabay ms cha [cs 1165]