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Corning Bicycle Accident Lawyer


Corning is a small city in Tehama County with numerous biking trails nearby for bike enthusiasts. One of the more popular trails is the Rio Vista Loop, a 2.5-mile bike trail near Corning. It is considered an easy route that takes less than an hour to complete and is open year-round.

There is a risk of an accident whenever bicyclists ride near vehicle traffic. An accident between a bicycle and a motor vehicle can cause severe injuries to bicyclists. If you have been hurt in a bicycle accident caused by a negligent driver, contact our experienced Corning bicycle accident lawyers for a free case evaluation at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400.

Bicyclists Have Rights Too

It is impossible to avoid riding in high-traffic areas, especially if you are a bicycle commuter or enjoy long bike rides. When biking on the roads, California laws lay out regulations for cyclists. In general, bicyclists have the same rights and responsibilities as vehicle motorists, and drivers have an extra duty of care to look for bicyclists.

The Three Feet Safety Act

According to California Civil Code § 21760, motorists must keep a three feet buffer between their car and bicyclists when trying to pass. This is known as the “Three Feet for Safety Act.” If the driver can’t maintain a three-foot space, they must slow down to a reasonable speed and only pass when it is safe. If a driver violates this rule and an accident occurs, they can be held liable for any injuries and damages caused to the cyclist.

Watch the YouTube video to learn more about the Three Feet for Safety Act.

Common Injuries in a Bicycle Collision

Because bicyclists are vulnerable, they are often severely injured when hit by a vehicle. Below are some common injuries seen in a bicycle versus car accident:

What to Do After a Bicycle Accident

Depending upon the severity of the injuries sustained, the following things should be done by the cyclist after a bicycle crash:

  • Get the driver’s contact and auto insurance information.
  • Take photos of your injuries, property damage, and the involved vehicle, including the license plate.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene, including bike lanes, traffic lights, and stop signs.
  • Get the names and contact information of eyewitnesses.
  • Get immediate medical treatment.
  • Consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.
Potential Damages Recoverable in a Bicycle Accident Claim

If a negligent motorist hits a cyclist and causes injuries, the cyclist can seek financial compensation for medical costs, lost income, and pain and suffering. Ensuring that your claim accounts for all economic and non-economic damages is a good reason to consult with a skilled Corning bicycle accident lawyer.

Comparative Fault in a Bicycle Crash Case

Under California’s comparative fault law, the compensation amount an injured bicyclist would receive in a bodily injury claim would be reduced by the percentage of fault assigned. Auto insurance companies know this law and will not hesitate to use it. Insurance carriers will look for evidence suggesting the bicyclist shares some responsibility for the accident. Because of this comparative negligence law, injured cyclists should consult an experienced bicycle accident attorney for guidance.

Time Limit to File a Bicycle Accident Injury Claim

In California, the statute of limitations is two years, which means a lawsuit must be filed, or a case must be settled before the second anniversary of the accident. The time limit is only six months if a government agency is involved. If you fail to file a timely claim, your case can be dismissed in court.

Why Hire a Corning Bicycle Accident Attorney?

You will likely have a lengthy recovery period after a crash with a motor vehicle. Focusing on regaining physical health during your recovery period is essential instead of dealing with the auto insurance company. While insurance carriers pretend to have your best interests, they do not and are only interested in paying little to no money on your injury claim. An experienced and knowledgeable Corning injury attorney knows the tricks of insurance adjusters and can fight to protect your legal rights.

Bicycle Accident Lawyers in Corning, CA

Speaking with an experienced Corning bicycle accident lawyer after a severe bicycle accident is vital to ensure your legal rights are protected, and the value of your injury claim is maximized. If you or a family member has been hurt in a bicycle accident caused by a negligent driver, call our law firm for free and friendly advice at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400, or send a message on our online form.

Please visit our verdicts and settlements page to learn more about our firm.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 8.8.23] Photo by Matheus Wladeka on Pexels cha [cs 818] bw