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Berkeley Motorcycle Accident Attorney


Motorcyclists in Berkeley who are just going about their daily routine, riding along Highway 13 or 123, or heading out of town on the interstate face a significant risk of being involved in a motorcycle accident, which can result in severe injury or even death. Motorcyclists are at particular risk of injury since motorcycles do not have similar safety features found in other motorized vehicles, such as protective frames, airbags, and seat belts. Injuries in a motorcycle crash are often severe, but when a negligent driver or another entity is the cause of the accident, the injured rider may seek compensation.

Injuries Are Often More Severe in an Accident Involving a Motorcycle

Motorcycles are less stable than cars, trucks, SUVs, or tractor-trailers and are more likely to be involved in a collision. In addition, wrecks involving motorcycles often result in more severe injuries than collisions involving four-wheeled passenger vehicles. Injured motorcyclists are best served by an experienced Berkeley motorcycle accident attorney who can work with the insurance carrier to recover total compensation.

Combating the Negative View of Motorcyclists

Motorcycle riders can sometimes be viewed negatively by jury members and insurance companies due to their depiction in old movies. Therefore, you must hire a motorcycle lawyer who is familiar with this issue and can combat those negative statements through understanding and the use of expert witnesses. Our skilled and compassionate motorcycle accident lawyers have successfully obtained compensation for clients in Berkeley, California.

Types of Compensation in a Motorcycle Accident Case

It isn’t unusual for devastating injuries to affect a person’s quality of life and result in significant time off work. These kinds of severe injuries can render the person involved in an accident permanently disabled. When this happens, the injured cyclist may be unable to care for themselves or provide financially for their loved ones. Our skilled Berkeley motorcycle accident attorneys are well aware of the challenges of those faced with catastrophic injuries sustained in crashes. In every case, we aggressively pursue the maximum recovery for the client. Some of the possible damages could include:

  • Loss of earnings can be recovered if one cannot work due to a severe motorcycle accident injury. In addition, bonuses, tips, insurance, and pension benefits can be reclaimed.
  • Injured parties taking lower-paying jobs can seek compensation for diminished earning capacity.
  • Hospitalization, surgeries, physician bills, tests, and rehabilitation expenses related to an accident are recoverable.
  • Pain and suffering include physical trauma and the emotional and psychological effects caused by a motorcycle vs. auto accident.
  • Loss of consortium is recoverable.
  • If clear, convincing evidence shows the accident injury was egregious or intentional, the plaintiff (injured party) may ask for punitive damages to be awarded. When allowed, punitive damages are often much higher than and in addition to the compensation awarded to the injured motorcyclist.
Experience in Successfully Handling Motorcycle Accident Claims

Our California Motorcycle Accident handbook answers many commonly asked following a motorcycle collision and is free to read online on Amazon. The cases we have handled on motorcycles that involved serious injuries and wrongful deaths have resulted in many successful settlements and verdicts for our clients.

Motorcycle crashes often result in severe injuries, so having a law firm with a proven track record of success when negotiating with insurance companies is vital. Our law firm routinely conducts several hours of investigation and investigative discovery to ensure we build the most robust case for our clients. Our legal team prepares our cases for trial to give us a stronger negotiating position.

The High Risk of Getting into an Accident on a Motorcycle

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 5,000 motorcyclists died in traffic collisions 2019. Motorcycle riders are overrepresented in fatality accidents compared to passenger vehicles and show a death rate that is 29 times higher. However, motorcyclists put much less mileage on their vehicles than passenger car drivers, so the statistics are still underrated.

What are the Common Reasons for Motorcycle Wrecks?

Our skilled and compassionate Berkeley motorcycle accident injury lawyers have extensive experience handling insurance claims and civil court litigation. We represent seriously injured motorcyclists across Alameda County in cases that involve a wide array of causes, including:

  • When lane changes by a vehicle’s driver are made unsafely, especially if lane splitting is practiced, motorcyclists are more likely to be involved in an accident.
  • Motorists whose attention is diverted by texting, changing the radio station, or engaging in other activities are putting themselves at risk of crashing into a motorcycle rider.
  • An accident can be caused by a defect in a motorcycle’s brakes, tires, steering, or engine. The manufacturer may be liable for the accident by filing a product liability claim in these cases.
  • Accidents can be caused by road defects such as oil, gravel, and potholes. Government entities responsible for maintenance can be held responsible for these accidents.
  • The most common cause of a motorcycle crash is a vehicle turning in front of the rider.
  • Intentionally endangering motorcyclists by driving in an unsafe manner occurs in some accidents.
  • Motorcyclists have been involved in accidents caused by drunk or drugged drivers.
  • Drivers who speed, run a red light or ignore traffic safety laws can cause a collision.
Working Towards Finding Who Was Responsible for Your Accident Injuries

Your ability to receive specific types of compensation will be determined by your circumstances. The injury attorneys at our personal injury law firm will thoroughly investigate your case to identify all possible defendants, including other motorists, the manufacturer of your motorcycle, and any roadway defects. By doing so and collecting the evidence needed to support your motorcycle accident claim, we work hard to handle your case so you can concentrate on getting well without financial worry.

Watch the following video by motorcycle accident lawyer Ed Smith to learn more about motorcycle collisions:

Contact a Berkeley Motorcycle Accident Lawyer 

If you were injured in a collision that was not your fault, a Berkeley motorcycle accident attorney may be able to advise you if you have grounds to file a claim for damages. At our law office, we offer free, friendly case advice. Call (510) 631-0200 or (800) 404-5400 to speak with our injury lawyers, get all your questions answered and learn about your options for recovery.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 10.2.23] Photo attribution: by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay cd [1065] bw

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