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Anderson Brain Injury Lawyer


Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are among the most dangerous events due to accidents. Every day, people in Anderson head out the door to get in their car, walk, or go bicycling. Some may cruise the area on their motorcycle, and the last thing they probably think about is being involved in a collision. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 61,000 people died from TBIs in 2019. Many of those deaths occurred due to traffic accidents and other reasons such as a defective product or fall.

If a family member has sustained severe head trauma in an accident, call our experienced Anderson brain injury lawyers at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400 for a free case evaluation.

Filing for Compensation Following an Anderson Brain Injury

Medical costs following a brain injury can be astronomical and continue into the future. In addition, someone with severe brain trauma may be unable to return to work and permanently disabled. By filing a claim against an at-fault driver or other entity responsible for the injury, the client may claim damages that will not only cover their current expenses and losses but also those that occur in the future.

Seeking Legal Advice Following a Brain Injury Accident  

Over the years, our law firm has assisted many people with brain injury or their families who are acting in their stead in obtaining the compensation they deserve. Whether the injured family member can remain at home or enter a long-term facility for treatment, it may be possible to recover the compensation needed to care for your loved one by filing a personal injury claim. This helps avoid financial strain and gives the injured person and family a sense of justice, knowing the at-fault party is responsible for their actions.

At AutoAccident.com, we’ve defended the rights of those who suffered a TBI to get them fair compensation since 1982. The recovery of damages for a TBI is essential, especially in severe cases, because a TBI can be life-altering and debilitating. It helps the injured and informs their families that their medical care will continue.

Common Types of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can be minor, or they cause moderate or severe trauma. Not all brain injuries produce symptoms immediately, and symptoms may be delayed or increase with time. Below is an explanation of the different types of brain injuries and their severity and symptoms.


The mildest forms of a TBI are concussions. They are caused by striking the head, a blow to the skull, or shaking. Any of these actions can happen in an accident. Even rear-end collisions at low speed can result in concussions because the head gets thrown forward and snaps back. Symptoms may not appear until days after an accident and can include:

  • The injured person may experience a headache that cannot be relieved or increases in intensity.
  • The individual may appear confused or complain about having brain fog.
  • Vomiting and nausea may occur in some individuals.
  • The speech may be slurred.
  • Dizziness may occur, as well as ringing in the ears.
  • Cognitive problems such as forgetfulness, difficulty understanding directions, or feeling overwhelmed may arise.

Watch the following YouTube video to discover what happens when you have a concussion.

Moderate Trauma TBIs

Symptoms of a moderate TBI may result in unconsciousness for 30 minutes to 24 hours. In a mild brain injury, symptoms may not appear until hours later and either stay the same or worsen. In some people, symptoms can be delayed for weeks. The symptoms include headaches, migraines, light and sound sensitivity, problems sleeping, seizures, and more. A moderate TBI can cause long-term health problems and result in permanent disability.

Severe Trauma in a Brain Injury

Long-term health issues are common in those who suffer a severe TBI and survive the experience. A patient with a severe TBI often remains unconscious for over a week. Amnesia may be present, at least for a while. Physical symptoms can be severe, such as in those who suffer a moderate injury, but cognitive defects may be apparent also, such as:

  • Changes in personality and intelligence
  • Reduced attention span
  • Lapses in memory
  • Poor judgment
  • Less awareness
  • Lack of impulse control
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Lack of motivation
Other Types of Severe Brain Injuries

When a brain injury is more severe, it is usually due to one of the following conditions. Patients with moderate to severe TBIs are often hospitalized in intensive care, especially if additional symptoms arise. Types of injuries can include:

  • Recurrent concussions: An individual who suffers from recurrent concussions, such as a football player or boxer, may develop this dangerous progressive brain condition, leading to a permanent disability.
  • Brain hemorrhage: A brain hemorrhage can cause out-of-control bleeding. This condition may occur in the brain’s tissue or the surrounding area.
  • Hematoma: Hematomas occur when the blood pools outside the blood vessels or clots. The problem amplifies if it causes pressure to increase in the skull. Unrelieved, it causes permanent brain damage.
  • Fractured skull: Skull fractures cause facial bruising, swelling, and bleeding from the nostrils or ears. Depending on the extent of the fracture, it can either heal on its own or require surgical repair.
  • Edema: The human body responds to injury by causing swelling of the injured area, including the brain. However, because the brain is enclosed in the skull, swelling can interfere with blood flow, a dangerous condition.
  • Diffuse axonal injury: This severe injury is often fatal because it damages the brain cells and causes swelling. If the patient survives, they may suffer severe brain damage.
Call Our Brain Injury Attorneys in Anderson, CA

Our Anderson brain injury lawyers offer compassionate, free, and friendly advice when you call us at (530) 392-9400 or (800) 404-5400. We can answer your questions, tell you whether or not you have a case, and let you know what options are available to obtain the compensation you deserve. Learn more about how we’ve helped our clients receive maximum compensation on our Settlements and Verdicts page.

Editor’s Note: updated [cha 10.10.23] Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels cd llo [1033]