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Canadian Residents Injured in the US


If you’re a resident of Canada and find yourself in a severe motor vehicle accident in the United States, our assistance is available! In fact, it is highly advisable to enlist the expertise of an experienced attorney in the United States to represent your interests. We comprehensively understand the legal framework and the system’s intricacies. Your Canadian residency is of no consequence; what matters is that the accident occurred within the United States.

Knowing how to navigate the aftermath of an auto accident can mitigate potential future complications and ensure that you receive the necessary assistance and when appropriate, equitable compensation for your injuries. This is where our expertise comes into play.

One of our responsibilities is collaborating with your personal insurance provider to ascertain the available coverages at your disposal. Depending on your province of residence, such as British Columbia, where the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) usually serves as the primary insurer, other public and private insurers may also be involved. For instance, Manitoba relies on the government-run insurance company Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI), for auto insurance. Quebec’s auto insurance is provided through government and private insurers. On the other hand, Saskatchewan relies on the government-operated insurance company, Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI).

In Nova Scotia, Alberta, Ontario, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nunavut, the Yukon Province, the Northwest Territories, and Prince Edward Island, auto insurance is offered by various private companies, each competing with a unique blend of prices, coverage options, and services for customers. Our firm collaborates with your insurance provider to ascertain the coverage the at-fault party provides.

Immediate Action to Take

Unless it’s evident that no injuries have occurred in an accident, your primary concern should be to request medical assistance or delegate this task to someone else. Contact the emergency response number designated for your area, typically 911, which will connect you to a dispatcher. The dispatcher will require information about the incident, its location, and the type of assistance required, such as police, fire, ambulance, or a combination. Additionally, you might be inquired about the severity of injuries. If anyone is unconscious, experiencing significant bleeding, facing respiratory difficulties, or in a state of shock, the dispatcher may advise providing emergency first aid until professional assistance arrives.

Getting Prompt Medical Attention

Individuals who sustain injuries will typically be transported to the hospital via an ambulance. In life-threatening injuries, the ambulance typically heads to the nearest hospital. However, if the initial hospital lacks the necessary staff or equipment to address your injuries, you may be subsequently transferred to a different medical facility.

If you were involved in the accident but opted not to utilize an ambulance for hospital transportation, paramedics will usually request that you sign a form indicating that you were offered this option but declined it. If you experience symptoms like dizziness, stiffness, or other accident-related effects, it is advisable to seek medical attention.

Following an accident, it is essential to undergo a comprehensive medical examination at either the hospital or a doctor’s office. Serious injuries can manifest even when they are not immediately visible. Furthermore, unless a doctor has evaluated you and documented their observations, auto insurance providers may dispute that your accident caused your health issues.

If you experience discomfort or unusual symptoms in the days, weeks, or months following the incident, it is advisable to promptly consult your physician. Soft tissue injuries may not become apparent until several days later. In contrast, the symptoms of conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) may take several months or longer to surface. Any changes in your mood or behavior should be taken as seriously as physical symptoms. Timely treatment typically contributes to better overall recovery outcomes.

Notifying Family Following an Accident

Unless your injuries are severe enough to prevent it, you should be able to contact a family member or friend from the hospital to inform them about the incident and your whereabouts. Alternatively, hospital staff may assist you in making this communication. In cases where you have sustained substantial injuries, the police typically make an effort to reach out to your family members or a close friend to ensure you have someone present with you at the hospital.

In situations involving severe injuries or fatalities resulting from an accident, mainly when minors are involved, the police make diligent attempts to personally notify the family.

Exchanging Information

Before departing the accident scene, drivers involved are required to exchange essential information with any injured parties. If you were the driver, you must provide the other driver (and anyone injured) with your name, address, home phone number, driver’s license number, and the name and address of the vehicle owner if it differs from your own. You should also furnish your insurance company’s name and policy number. In addition to obtaining this information from the other driver, it may be prudent to take note of her vehicle’s year, make, model, license plate number, and province (or state) where it is registered. Collecting the names, addresses, and phone numbers of witnesses and anyone injured is also advisable.

Since the police may not engage with every witness, it is essential to ensure that anyone who observed the incident can be located later to provide a statement to you or another insurer. In cases of hit-and-run accidents, an insurance claim may be denied unless uninvolved witnesses can be identified. If someone hesitates to share her name or contact information, you can suggest she provide it to an attending police officer. You may also wish to provide her with your phone number so she can reach out later if she changes her mind about providing a statement.

The extent of the police investigation into your accident will hinge on factors such as its severity, the available time for a particular police officer, and their level of commitment to these circumstances. Insurers heavily rely on police reports when determining liability.

Reporting Your Accident to the Insurance Company

If you reside in British Columbia and have been involved in an accident, it is advisable to report the incident to the ICBC Dial-A-Claim center promptly, preferably within 24 hours. Alternatively, if you contact us promptly, we can facilitate this process. The contact numbers are as follows:

Lower Mainland – 604-520-8222
Elsewhere in B.C., Canada & the U.S., 1-800-910-4222

If you are a resident of Manitoba, contact:
Call Centre
In Winnipeg: 985-7000
Deaf Access TTY/TDD: 985-8832

If you are a resident of Saskatchewan, contact:
Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI)
SGI Out-of-Province Claims Dept.
440 Fleet St.
Regina, SK
S4N 7N7


In other provinces, getting in touch with your private insurance provider is crucial, enabling them to initiate a file on your behalf and record the incident details before they fade from memory. If you contact us promptly following your accident, we can assist you.

We Handle Personal Injury and Property Damage Claims

Our law firm represents clients, including Canadian residents, who have experienced personal injuries or property damage from accidents involving automobiles, motorcycles, trucks, or buses. We have established connections with a network of highly skilled attorneys across the United States. Therefore, you can anticipate receiving knowledgeable and experienced legal representation irrespective of where your accident occurred.

These motor vehicle accidents encompass incidents with drunk or hit-and-run drivers, uninsured or underinsured motorists, as well as collisions and rollovers involving motor vehicles, SUVs, and semi-tractor trailers.

Injuries from such accidents can be serious and profoundly impact one’s life. For instance, you may suffer burns to your head or neck, whiplash, nerve damage, fractures, spinal cord paralysis, dislocations of bones or limbs, or loss of limb function. We recognize that your immediate priorities following such traumatic events include securing coverage for medical expenses, ensuring you do not endure financial hardships due to lost income, and verifying that your insurance provider will cover future treatments related to your injury. Our seasoned attorneys will discuss your circumstances, explore your options, and collaborate with insurance companies and other relevant parties to ensure your needs are addressed promptly and appropriately.

Contact an Experienced California Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one has been injured in an auto accident, contact us online or at 1-800-276-9399 for a free consultation to discuss your legal options.

We wholeheartedly welcome referrals from Canadian attorneys and adhere to the generous referral fee provisions outlined in California law and regulations. Furthermore, we maintain connections with a network of exceptionally qualified attorneys across the United States, enabling us to assist clients irrespective of where their accidents occurred.

Editor’s note: updated 11.14.23 Photo by Daniel Joseph Petty from Pexels [cs 1475]